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The Vegan Cookbook

The Vegan Cookbook: Feed your Soul, Taste the Love: 100 of the Best Vegan Recipes - Adele McConnell


Feed your Soul, Taste the Love: 100 of the Best Vegan Recipes 

By Adele McConnell 

ISBN:  9781848991194

Publisher:  Watkins Publishing Limited

Duncan Baird Publishers

Publication Date: March 18, 2014

Format:  Hardcover 

My rating:  5 Stars   


Whether you are a vegan or vegetarian, on the fence, or considering the health benefits of this lifestyle, THE VEGAN COOKBOOK (Feed Your Soul, Taste the Love: 100 of the Best Vegan Recipes), is a beautifully packaged, “must read”, for those who desire, or choose a nutritious, plant-based diet, while learning how to incorporate these foods into your daily life. 

Food blogger, Adele McConnell, has created an “all in one book” consisting of tempting dishes, easy to follow recipes, tons of informative and educational tidbits, stunning photography, spices and flavorings, a vegan pantry (items to stock for health benefits and descriptions—loved this part), and easy to follow icons (soy-free, nut-free, seed-free, sugar-free, and raw) ---all which will inspire you on your journey to wellness and healthy eating. 

The author has extensive food knowledge, based on years of blogging with her website, Vegie Head—with tried and proven recipes by thousands of people all over the world—from people’s homes, restaurants, and cafes. (check out her blog and website) Her passion for food is reflective through the pages of this helpful book, as she demonstrates how to “feed your soul and taste the love!”

McConnell is an enlightening author, and recipe evolutionist for people who want to enjoy more plant based recipes in their diet. From Melbourne, Australia, her mission is to "rock your world", and change the way you see vegan food; not only empowering you in the kitchen, but also empowering you in life--she creates food with integrity and power.

THE VEGAN COOKBOOK is one of the best books I have read, and highly recommend! As a vegan, myself for almost three years, I am always seeking new books, and sources to expand my knowledge, new recipes to add variety, how to add new ingredients to my selection, while discovering the benefits of eating more raw products. McConnell offers easy substitutes for dairy, with readily available alternatives. 

Having a family history of cancer, heart, and cholesterol issues, have always been pretty physically fit and never taken any medications. However, after menopause, I began experiencing severe allergy problems, with anaphylaxis, food intolerances, sensitivities, insomnia, stress, hyperthyroid, weight gain, feeling sluggish, IBS, and a fast and pounding heart 24/7 --equipped with an EpiPen at all times, with no clue what was happening with my body? 

After much research, maintaining endless food journals, daily monitoring----found food additives, processed foods, preservatives, dairy, meats----were contributing to my health and allergy issues. (Have tests which prove this fact). 

I was tired of feeling bad, took control of my life, choosing to go vegan all the way. I have never regretted this wise decision. At age 61 ½, I feel great --maintaining optimal health, a size 4, fit, with tons of energy, always satisfied, ideal digestion, and able to attain restful sleep, with no allergies or health problems! I am feeling fresher, lighter, and healthier—due to a plant based diet. Eliminating meats and dairy offered profound results and would highly recommend, if you are experiencing these types of issues-- Loving this lifestyle choice! 

Health benefits aside, a plant-based diet can widen your horizons for discovering a wealth of new flavors, textures, colors, tastes, and culinary experiences, which is explained throughout this incredible book. 

What I enjoyed most about THE VEGAN COOKBOOK--Eating vegan food is an adventure in taste and ingredients---an abundance of healthy, filling, and incredible food. 

Many times these type books do not come equipped with many photos, especially in e-book format. Not the case here ---- whether you are choosing the hardcover or e-book ---THE VEGAN COOKBOOK, offers an abundance of images to tantalize your taste buds. 

As a huge fan of Pinterest, I have many boards and pins centered on food styling and photography. Food does not have to be bad for you, in order to be tempting or tasty. The photography was exceptional, as I am a Nook HD Plus gal and the color images were stunning---readers will be pleased. I have also tried many of the recipes and found them to be delectable, and easy to plan and prepare. 

From The Plant Based Diet, Breakfast & Brunch, Lunch, Snacks and Treats, Main Meals, and Desserts--A 5 Star winner! 

If you have to choose one book—choose THE VEGAN COOKBOOK, as it is not just a one-time read; however, one which you will want to refer to daily.


A “must resource and guide”, as you plan and build a wide range of healthier alternatives, and become inspired by this new way of eating with the pleasures of a plant-based diet.

A special thanks to Watkins Publishing, Duncan Baird Publishers, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/939029803