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Cold Cold Heart

Cold, Cold Heart: A Short Story (Kindle Single) - Karin Slaughter
A Novella Short Story
Publisher: Witness Impulse 
Publication Date: 8/23/2016 
Format: e-Book 
Audio Narrator: Shannon Cochran
My Rating:  5 Stars 


COLD COLD HEART, is yet another deliciously evil, witty, and satisfying short story by Karin Slaughter, as fans anxiously await her upcoming THE KEPT WOMAN (5 Stars). Both are Must Reads! If you haven’t already read 2015 Pretty Girls , please do so. No one quite like the "queen" of crime thrillers.

John had been dead for almost two years. They had been married for many years and had met at a young adult Sunday school class some twenty-four years earlier. They dated, became lovers, married, taught high school chemistry and biology, and had a beautiful son Zachary. Everything was perfect at first.

Pam was now alone at age fifty-two, and for the first time in her life she did not care about her appearance. Her marriage had not been good. She recalled when he was dying and asked her to come.

Zachary was gone, too. At age sixteen. He died too young. She had warned her husband about their son’s drinking.Would her son be alive today if she had stood up to her husband?

John had said he wanted to be put into stasis. He wanted to be cryogenically frozen, so he could be reanimated one day.Who wants more of the sucker?

His book Biological Healing had been on the bestseller list. He wrote about his son and his ex-wife. Nine years earlier, she had caught him cheating with one of the other secretaries. He was mean, and hateful, and never mentioned the real truth in his stupid book. He had been with some woman the day before their son died, she discovered when reading his journals. The smirk on his face, when he was dying and the other wife, half his age.

However, now with his body, is her chance to get REVENGEonce and for all! She will make sure he knows.

Even Slaughter’s clever short stories are entertaining! A sneak preview included of The Kept Woman. Do not miss the Will Trent/Sara/Angie saga!

In addition to the e-book, also used an Audible credit andShannon Cochran was a perfect voice for the protagonist!



Coming Sept 20 US!


Source: http://www.judithdcollinsconsulting.com/single-post/2016/09/13/Cold-Cold-Heart