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Dining at The Ravens

Dining at The Ravens: Over 150 Nourishing Vegan Recipes from the Stanford Inn by the Sea - Joan Burke Stanford, Jeff Stanford

Over 150 Nourishing Vegan Recipes from the Stanford Inn by the Sea

By: Jeff & Joan Stanford 

ISBN: 9781941631652

Publisher: BenBella Books

Publication Date:  2/9/2016 

Format:  Paperback 

My Rating:  5 Stars +


A special thank you to BenBella Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Jeff and Joan Stanford have created a work of art! An artful masterpiece. A sanctuary for the soul, a premier destination, an organic farm and gardens infused detail, love, care, and the highest quality healthy plant-based vegan cuisine. Where living a conscious life literally begins in the kitchen.

Not only is their historic farm and eco-resort, Stanford Inn By the Sea, (from 1997) the only vegan resort in the United States, the stunning Mendocino seaside bed and breakfast inn is a luxury retreat, matched with– one of the top dining experiences in the world.

The owners chose to make ethical, healthful cuisine created from plants, seaweed and fungi raised or collected in the most sustainable manner possible; A whole-food plant-based diet, setting them apart from other vegan restaurants.

Their new cookbook DINING AT THE RAVENS: Over 150 Nourishing Vegan Recipes from the Stanford Inn by the Sea,celebrates that tradition!

Their garden serves a dual purpose: furnishing visitors with fresh organic produce and flowers, while setting a thriving example of environmentally sound farming practices. At The Ravens, plant oils replace animal-based products such as butter, cream, lard, and eggs, making the dishes more environmentally sustainable and ethical.

Their philosophy The success of a dish depends on four criteria:

• Quality of ingredients
• Care of their preparation (cooking times)
• Presentation of the dish
• Most importantly, tasting

From the owners and staff, The Ravens, known for their attention to detail, offering a remarkable and magical stay. From the grounds, the accommodations, and their fabulous food. They have created a haven, and sharing it with the world. From their sensitivity to nature and environment, gardening, plants, to their lifestyle—a vision come to life.

As a vegan, I am personally always looking for good vegan and plant-based cookbooks. DINING AT THE RAVENS is outstanding! Beautifully packaged, stunning food photography, informative, with delicious and healthy easy to follow recipes by BenBella Books. The extraordinary cookbook is broken down in parts:


Part One: The History. How the couple converted a motel into a Four diamond inn and eco-resort dedicated to living sustainably. (loved this part) From raising two children, the animals and their organic farm and inn-- to the AAA Four-Diamond Inn, today. About the Stanford Inn and The Ravens, The Philosophy, Tips for Cooking Success, and Serving Vegan Cuisine.

Part Two: The Scrumptious Recipes:
• Morning Foods
• Breads & Baked Goods
• Sauces, Dips, & Spreads
• Appetizers & Sides
• Salads & Dressings
• Soups
• Entrees
• Desserts

Other Resources:
• Pantry Basic
• Conversion Charts
• About the authors
• Online Resources

DINING AT THE RAVENS is an extension of their ideals and their vegan lifestyle with delicious recipes. Over the course of the last few weeks, I have tried many recipes and cannot wait to try more. No need to feel left out, with your vegan lifestyle—nothing ordinary here. Treat yourself.

"The beautiful truth is that the more environmentally friendly and ethical a food is, the healthier it is for our bodies." A little of The Ravens Restaurant brought to your own kitchen and home. Whether you are a foodie, vegan, vegetarian, or on the fence and want to make healthier food choices - this is for you.

Highly Recommend Top Vegan Cookbook of 2016, as well as the Stanford Inn Eco-Resort.

On a Personal Note:
I had the pleasure of staying at this enchanting inn years ago, and was so wowed with the delicious food, the cycling, and the setting---coming away with an overall memorable and unforgettable experience! Was delighted to discover their new cookbook DINING AT THE RAVENS: The next best thing if you cannot experience the real thing. You can recreate recipes, from the privacy of your own home. They provide all the tools.

A vegan, with serious food allergies for many years, the transition years to an organic plant-based diet, has been nothing but a positive experience as related to my overall health. In addition, am a consultant (25+ years ) for the hotel industry (including bed and breakfast inns, resorts, boutique hotels, independent, and brand), as well as a former innkeeper for many years, working with investors, and the food and travel industry.

Today, my clients are very focused on the traveler with social media and reviews, with top topics: vegans, vegetarian, allergies, plant-based diets, organic, and a customized healthy menu. The dietary needs of travelers. Promoting wellness, without the additives and preservatives, which is causing so many serious food allergies. (I speak from experience).

Guests are more sophisticated, knowledgeable, and educated about their food choices than in year's past. There is no need to give up or compromise your healthy lifestyle when traveling. Many accommodations are getting serious about their menus offering diverse selections of hearty and healthful meals. The Raven is the leader. (recommending the book to all my clients).




About the Authors


Welcome to Stanford Inn by the Sea … an Eco-Resort on the Mendocino Coast. Moving here in 1980, we were changed by the creative and healing energies of the land. Since then, we have worked to assure our guests have an opportunity to experience what we experience: a special place that enlivens and inspires.

We believe in creating contexts to provide wonderful experiences for guests of the Inn, paddlers and bicyclers at Catch A Canoe & Bicycles, too!, clients of Massage in the Forest and diners at the Ravens.We are excited by guests visiting the inn. For us it is as if relatives and friends were coming who want to experience our home at its best.
We too want our guests to experience Mendocino at its best.We treat our guests as we do our family. We provide outstanding equipment at Catch A Canoe & Bicycles, too!; the finest massage therapists on the Mendocino Coast led by Leslee Huber; comprehensive strategies for joyful living at our Mendocino Center for Living Well led by Sid Garza-Hillman; and one of North America’s most acclaimed vegan restaurants, The Ravens.
The Inn manifests our commitment to live mindfully so that all might live well.We look forward to sharing with you the magic of Stanford Inn by the Sea and the awe-inspiring Mendocino Coast!  The History 
–Joan and Jeff Stanford


Source: http://www.judithdcollinsconsulting.com/#!Dining-at-the-Ravens/cmoa/56cc816b0cf26bd1d3eb75dd