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The Accident

The Accident - Linwood Barclay, Peter Berkrot

By Linwood Barclay 

Narrator: Peter Berkrot 


Publisher: Brillance Audio 

Publication Date:  8/11/2011 

Format: Audio

My Rating:  5 Stars


THE ACCIDENT, another suspense thriller by Linwood Barclay, combined with my favorite male narrator, Peter Berkrot - What a combo! Would love for him to perform all Barclay's audiobooks.

After reading Broken Promise , (Top Books of 2015), Barclay has been added to my favorite author list, and immediately purchased all his backlist in audio format. I am slowly making my way through the list. This is one intense suspense thriller - glued to my iPod for hours!

Glen is a contractor and they barely are making ends meet, and his wife Shelia is attending night classes in order to help with the accounting needs of their small business. However, she does not return on time after her class, and Glen discovers she is dead. A car accident involving alcohol. His daughter Kelly is devastated, and kids at school begin making fun of her drunken mother. Glen cannot even imagine how this would have happened, as not like his wife.

When Kelly stays over at a friend’s home, the girls are playing hide and seek. Kelly happens to find herself hiding in the mother’s closet and overhears a disturbing phone conversation. Who was on the other end of the line?

She calls her dad to pick her up. Glen is now more concerned the more he digs into more accidents, and realizes his wife may have been innocent and caught up in the middle of illegal activities. As more suspicions surface, he now has to protect his daughter, not knowing who he can trust, while he attempts to avenge his wife’s reputation and protect his family.

From designer handbags, home parties, girls New York trip, to knock off Rolex watches, and illegal drugs—a string of conspiracy. A little scandalous Desperate Housewives' Wisteria Lane, suburbs, and hidden secrets. A fast- paced suspense crime mystery thriller fans will enjoy!  Well-developed characters and non-stop twists and turns. Nicely done; look forward to more.

Source: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1354994124