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Earnest - Kristin von Kreisler

By: Kristin von Kreisler 

ISBN: 9781496700438

Publisher:  Kensington

Publication Date: 1/26/2016

Format: Paperback 

My Rating:  4 Stars

A special thank you to Kensington and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Kristin von Kreisler returns following An Unexpected Grace the lovable golden retriever with, EARNEST, an irresistible yellow Labrador retriever—another heartwarming contemporary tale of a wise and adorable dog-- teaching one couple the meaning of life, love, trust, relationships, and second chances.

Anna and Jeff visit Seattle’s Second Chance Shelter in search of the right dog. They had been living together for the last two years. Jeff wanted a buddy, and Anna secretly wanted a trial run at parenting. She hoped the dog would give Jeff a nudge closer to marriage. They both were almost thirty-five and it was time.

When viewing the dogs, the Labrador retriever draws them in. At eighty pounds, with his warm big brown eyes, he has “take me home” written all over him. A purebred, only three years old his former name was Moonbeam; however, they felt the wise old soul, living behind this cute face needed a new name, Earnest.

Anna was so excited -- she would take him to work with her every day. She owns a flower shop and Jeff was an architect. They were now a family. Anna’s flower shop was located in an old Victorian house, called Plant Parenthood, in her grandmother’s old house, she hopes to buy; however, currently she rents and shares with other others. The owner wants to sell and build something else.

Since Jeff is an architect—Cedar Place Downtown, they have differences of opinion. Can two differences be strong enough to tear two people apart?

Poor Earnest is caught in the middle. Jeff thought Anna was being impractical, and he thought he could bring her around to approving his project. Then there is a fire. Anna knows life is one never-ending change. Earnest wants his two special people together and happy. A war between two people. A fight to save what they stand for.

Symbolic in many ways, with the name, house, butterflies, flowers, seasons, holidays, history and the town. The past, present, and future—a blending. The good and the bad. Joy. Love. Retribution. Meet your beautiful life like a butterfly. Rebirth. Good things come with time.

Highly sensitive and intelligent, Earnest brings life to the tale, a divided family—with a cast of quirky characters and the love of an unstoppable dog, Earnest and his unwavering devotion.

The name Earnest was fitting for the dog as well as Anna, and Jeff's characters. Each had a strong intention, sense of purpose, putting forth effort, sincerely zealous, showing depth and sincerity of feeling. Demanding, and serious about their overall mission.

As always, Kreisler takes readers deeper into the powerful connections between humans and animals, for a heartwarming story of love. If we all could be more like dogs—An example. Trusting fate. Enjoying the now. Live in the present. Greeting the future with job. Flow with the wind. Reconciling with hardship. A life lesson. Moving on. Trusting. Embracing Life.

Reminded me so much of my beloved Golden "Duke" of Farmington (Golden Retriever for 15 glorious memorable years; unforgettable "best dog ever"; miss him, everyday). Dogs can touch your heart and soul as no other.

Ideal for book clubs and future discussions (included). Dog lovers will adore----Loved the front cover!

Source: http://www.judithdcollinsconsulting.com/#!Earnest/cmoa/56747f7d0cf2c2b7798a9529