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After She's Gone

After She's Gone (West Coast Series) - Lisa Jackson

By:  Lisa Jackson

ISBN: 9781617734656

Publisher:  Kensington

Publication Date: 12/29/2015 

Format: Other 

My Rating: 3 Stars 


A special thank you to Kensington and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Nice Cover.

Lisa Jackson delivers a complex and dark mystery, AFTER SHE’S GONE, of two sisters. Where is Allie Kramer? Two sisters shared a dream which leads to madness.

Cassie is the oldest and Allie the younger into a world of Hollywood. One sister is murdered and the other becomes a suspect.

A crazed fan who nearly killed their mother, former Hollywood actress years earlier. Deep Freeze (2005). Even after this history, Cassie moves to LA and Allie followed. When they leave Oregon, Allie rises faster to the limelight. Then her body double gets shot on set and Allie goes missing.

Cassie appears to be a suspect and commits herself to a psychiatric hospital. Questioning her own sanity. Later she decides to leave, determined to find her sister.

A long- time fan of Jackson’s, this one was not my favorite. At times the pacing was slow; even though it has its thrilling and suspenseful moments, especially with the nightmares and the madness, at times it felt a little frustrating. If you can hang in there, the last part heats up some; however, never sizzled for me

Source: http://www.judithdcollinsconsulting.com/#!After-Shes-Gone/cmoa/55d0a35b0cf2b2c6a9834717